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Property Management

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Operational Excellence

Pur-O-Zone has been served a wide variety of industries for decades, but in recent years, we have taken the initiative to raise the stakes in operational excellence.  With solutions tailored towards tenant retention and eliminating needs for micromanagement, our property management specialists have built a repertoire of success in the past decade as we have continued to grow.


Product Specialist

Industrial Engineer




A Trustworthy Partner in Property Management

Our experts bring years of practical experience in their specialty, as well as certifications respected throughout the industry.  

Our company and associates' qualifications include:

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I.C.E. GB (Industry Cleaning Expert, Green Building) - Administered by ISSA

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KADPF (Kansas Association of Directors of Plant Facilities) organization - Board Members

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BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Association)

 - Board Members


Silver Service Certification - Administered by Nilfisk

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